Join the Wall of Goal-Setters and Goal-Getters!

Goal-Setters & Goal-Getters

Dig Deep and surprise yourself today!!

Join the Wall of Goal-Setters and Goal-Getters. Once you have your next personal or professional goal in mind, declare it to your Chime In Community and submit your pic along with a sentence stating your goal and a desired goal date. Once you have reached that goal, simply click on your pic and you will be turned into Gold Goal-Getter status and be recognized as an achiever.

A Goal-Getter is someone who is ambitious, determined to be successful and able to deal with new or difficult situations. Everyone has an inner warrior, everyone can be a Goal-Getter.

Kristen Bowes Burke
Completion 100%

Recent Goal Getter

Kristen Bowes Burke

Kristen Bowes Burke once again stepped out of her comfort zone and ran and won a seat on the Pelham Town Council. This is the first time a Democrat has won in 20 years. We are proud of this Chime In Project Mentor and so pleased to help her celebrate her big win.  To find out more about Kristen Bowes Burke and her inspiring career click the link in our blog under interviews watch the full interview.

Join the community!
Share with us the goal
you would like to complete!

Current Goal Setters Progress

Juanita G.
Tamera J.
Cynthia R.

Goal: to submit my first book to 20 publishers October 2019

Maria G. 😁
Mary F. 😊
Susan S. 💁
Olivia M.
Reina L.
Ally Z.
Karen T.
Aymee V.